
How Do I Check A Registered Trademark

Trademark is a word, pattern, or symbol which differentiates a production from other products of a similar kind. It is considered to be a part of intellectual property rights.

Every bit per Department two (zb) of The Trademarks Act 1999, trademark refers to a mark that is capable of beingness represented graphically; which is capable of distinguishing the appurtenances or services of 1 person from those of others and may include the shape of bolt, their packaging and combination of colours.

Importance of a Trademark Search

  • Information technology is always better to be safety than distressing. Trademark search would avoid the infringement of applicative law(s).
  • Availability is an of import criterion while deciding on a trademark that will avoid whatever duplication.
  • It is vital for the trademark to not only be unique merely also have a proper trademark nomenclature.
  • Every potential conflict can be avoided past conducting a meticulous search.

Classes of a Trademark

According to the Prissy nomenclature of trademarks, which is an international classification of goods and services, there are 45 classes which are divided as 1 to 35 for goods and 36 to 45 for services. Before a trademark search is done, a form search would be necessary in guild to determine which class the product belongs to.

Steps to Check for a Trademark

  • Log in to the official website of trademark registration in India:
  • Click on the trademarks tab and then click on public search.
  • There are three search criteria available – Wordmark, Vienna code, and Phonetic.
  • On choice of each criterion, the keyword fields change as listed below:
Search Criteria Keyword Fields
Wordmark Wordmark, class, goods clarification
Vienna Code Vienna code, class
Phonetic Phonetic, course, goods description
  • Once all of the details take been entered, you will need to click the search push button.
  • The result console volition show the list of trademarks either registered/objected/abandoned which will serve as the basis to decide on the trademark.

Important Tools You lot Need to exist Enlightened of

The following tools are available on:

Form details:

This is a search facility provided to find out which class a particular product belongs to, based on the kind of product. The search is bachelor in various languages.

Well-known marks:

It is a list of all the well-known marks as determined by several regime

Prohibited marks:

It provides a listing of all the marks that cannot be used in a trademark. Using any of these would pb to the rejection of the application of a trademark. Case: Mahatma Gandhi, ISO, national, etc.

Vienna code classification:

It gives the details of the international classification of the figurative elements of marks that are required for checking a trademark on the Vienna code search criteria.

It is imperative to exercise a trademark search before the registration of the aforementioned. If all the boxes are ticked beforehand, the registration procedure will exist shine and piece of cake.

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How Do I Check A Registered Trademark,


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