Did Not Register Or Self Register 0x0
Trouble with ICD2 and ICD3 (different)
Hullo I have trouble with ICD2 and ICD3.
With ICD2 can program but I tin non debug
With ICD3 tin can non programme and tin can non debug
MPLAB V8.56 the final
bottom the schematic with pic 16LF628 but I use PIC16LF88
Thank you in advance
PROGRAMMER WITH ICD2 IS OK: mail service edited by Sisteck - 2010/09/17 10:21:19
Auto-connect non enabled - Not connecting (Try enabling auto-connect on the ICD2 settings pages.)
Connecting to MPLAB ICD two
Setting Vdd source to target
Target Device PIC16F88 found, revision = Rev 0x8
...Reading ICD Product ID
Running ICD Self Test
MPLAB ICD two ready for next performance
Programming Target...
...Validating configuration fields
...Erasing Function
...Programming EEPROM Retentiveness
...Programming Plan Memory (0x0 - 0x74F)
...Programme Memory
...Verify Succeeded
Programming Configuration Bits
.. Config Memory
Verifying configuration retentiveness...
...Verify Succeeded
...Programming succeeded
17-Sep-2010, 18:55:l
MPLAB ICD 2 set for next operation
Developer WITH ICD3 Not WORK
Automobile-connect not enabled - Not connecting (Endeavor enabling machine-connect on the ICD2 settings pages.)
Connecting to MPLAB ICD two
Setting Vdd source to target
Target Device PIC16F88 found, revision = Rev 0x8
...Reading ICD Product ID
Running ICD Self Examination
MPLAB ICD ii ready for next operation
Programming Target...
...Validating configuration fields
...Erasing Office
...Programming EEPROM Memory
...Programming Program Retentiveness (0x0 - 0x74F)
...Loading DebugExecutive
...Programming DebugExecutive
...Programming Debug Vector
...Program Retention
...Debug Executive
...Debug Vector
...Verify Succeeded
Programming Configuration Bits
.. Config Retention
Verifying configuration retentiveness...
...Verify Succeeded
Connecting to debug executive
ICD0083: Debug: Unable to enter debug mode. Please double click this bulletin for more data.
MPLAB ICD 2 ready for side by side performance
MPLAB ICD 3 detected
Connecting to MPLAB ICD three...
Running self test...
Self test completed
Firmware Suite Version...... 01.26.26
Firmware type......................Midrange
MPLAB ICD 3 Connected.
Target Detected
ICD3Err0086: Target Device ID (00000000) does not friction match
expected Device ID (00000760). If you feel persistent
problems communicating, the ICD iii test interface can exist
used to help diagnose the problem.
MPLAB ICD 3 detected
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 3...
Firmware Suite Version...... 01.26.26
Firmware type......................Midrange
MPLAB ICD iii Connected.
Target Detected
ICD3Err0086: Target Device ID (00000000) does non match
expected Device ID (00000760). If you experience persistent
problems communicating, the ICD 3 test interface tin can exist
used to aid diagnose the problem.
Re:Problem with ICD2 and ICD3 (different) 2010/09/17 15:00:34 (permalink)
The unable to enter debug mode and the unable to program with the ICD3 may be because of the 100nF cap on the MCLR pin. Effort with the cap removed, or if you really demand the time delay that the 10K/100nF provide for resetting the motion-picture show you need to isolate the cap so that it does not upset the ICD2/3, a iv.7K resistor between the cap and the pic may assist.
Regards Steve
Re:Problem with ICD2 and ICD3 (different) 2010/09/17 23:57:10 (permalink)
Thanks for the respond.
I have removed the cap 100n, now with ICD3 programmer piece of work,
but both ICD2 and with IC3 the debugger does not work.
With ICD2 there the same trouble as before, while ICD3 the
problem as inverse:
MPLAB ICD 3 detected
Connecting to MPLAB ICD iii...
Running self test...
Self examination completed
Firmware Suite Version...... 01.26.26
Firmware type......................Midrange
MPLAB ICD 3 Connected.
Target Detected
Device ID Revision = 00000008Programming...
Programming/Verify consummateRunning...
CD3Err0040: The target device is non ready for debugging.
Please check your configuration bit settings and program
the device before proceeding.
Power excursion non with ICD3.
Re:Problem with ICD2 and ICD3 (dissimilar) 2010/09/18 01:45:26 (permalink)
The simply affair I can think of is that you have non programmed the pic with a debug build.
Brand sure that yous select "Debug" in the Build configuration (not Release), then rebuild the project, select the ICD2 or ICD3 as the Debugger tool (not Programmer tool), and y'all should be good to become.
Make sure that your program leaves infinite for the debug softwares reserved resources, program memory 0xF00 to 0xFFF must not be used, and ram registers 0x0, 0x70, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x100, 0x170, 0x180, 0x1E7-0x1F0 must be unused, and the debugger besides uses 1 stack level.
The annals 0x0, 0x80, 0x100, 0x180, is merely the indirect register, and I've always found that my programme can employ the indirect register without upsetting the debugger.
Regards Steve.
mail service edited by Steven37 - 2010/09/18 01:47:00
Re:Problem with ICD2 and ICD3 (different) 2010/09/18 14:33:55 (permalink)
Got the order incorrect, should be
1) Brand sure that your program leaves space for the debug software reserved resources.
Program retention 0xF00 to 0xFFF must not be used.
Ram registers 0x0, 0x70, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x100, 0x170, 0x180, 0x1E7-0x1F0 must be unused.
The debugger also uses 1 stack level.
The register 0x0, 0x80, 0x100, 0x180, is just the indirect annals,
I've always found that my program can use the indirect register without upsetting the debugger.
2) Select ICD2 or ICD3 as the Debugger tool. (not Programmer tool)
3) Select "Debug" in the Build configuration. (non Release)
four) Rebuild the project.
5) Program the debug build into the film.
Regards Steve.
Re:Problem with ICD2 and ICD3 (different) 2010/09/20 01:07:43 (permalink)
perhaps MPLAB is not configured correctly,
"Build configuration" non enabled.
Encounter paradigm
Re:Trouble with ICD2 and ICD3 (different) 2010/09/twenty 01:50:29 (permalink)
I exercise non think seeing whatsoever thing like your epitome.
I wonder if the project is not setup correctly ?
On my PC I just select Debug or Release from the toolbar on line two of the IDE window, meet attached picture.
EDIT:- ignore the first epitome, I cannot find how to delete information technology.
post edited by Steven37 - 2010/09/20 01:58:37
Re:Problem with ICD2 and ICD3 (dissimilar) 2010/09/20 02:12:54 (permalink)
I think the selection debug / relelase is not active considering I use the CCS compiler (c).
But I never had any problems with the debugger.
I exercise not understand what the problem is
Re:Problem with ICD2 and ICD3 (different) 2010/09/20 02:31:59 (permalink)
Later reinstalling the compiler CCS is the selection debug / release, but the problem remains
Re:Problem with ICD2 and ICD3 (different) 2010/09/20 02:49:xvi (permalink)
MPLAB ICD ii ready for next operation
Programming Target...
...Validating configuration fields
...Erasing Part
...Programming Program Memory (0x0 - 0x747)
...Loading DebugExecutive
...Programming DebugExecutive
...Programming Debug Vector
...Program Retentiveness
...Debug Executive
...Debug Vector
...Verify Succeeded
Programming Configuration $.25
.. Config Memory
Verifying configuration retention...
...Verify Succeeded
Connecting to debug executive
ICD0083: Debug: Unable to enter debug fashion. Delight double click this message for more than data.
MPLAB ICD two ready for next operation
MPLAB ICD 3 detected
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 3...
Running self examination...
Self exam completed
Firmware Suite Version...... 01.26.26
Firmware type......................Midrange
MPLAB ICD three Continued.
Target Detected
Device ID Revision = 00000008
Programming/Verify complete
ICD3Err0040: The target device is non gear up for debugging.
Please cheque your configuration bit settings and program
the device earlier proceeding.
Re:Problem with ICD2 and ICD3 (different) 2010/09/20 05:01:33 (permalink)
I had similar bug a a few months agone when I upgraded to version viii.53, error about not being able to enter debug mode on my ICD3, I fixed the problem by going dorsum to version viii.50. But I think ver 8.56 is ok.
One other thing to bank check is the config settings (fuses), make sure that your program does not accept DEBUG = ON, leave it at DEBUG = OFF and permit MPLAB command the debugging config setting, if you set DEBUG = ON it may confuse MPLAB.
Regards Steve
Re:Problem with ICD2 and ICD3 (dissimilar) 2010/09/20 06:21:00 (permalink)
How-do-you-do Steven,
thanks for your patience
I tried with PICKIT2 ... but it seems the aforementioned problem, do not enter into debug way. Simply if the pic is a LF (PIC16LF88) may be the problem?
Re:Problem with ICD2 and ICD3 (different) 2010/09/20 07:03:00 (permalink)
Maybe there'southward no relation but did y'all try to supply the PIC direct from the ICD3? In this case you'll accept to disconnect the V+ from the board. That could exist a voltage problem.
Re:Trouble with ICD2 and ICD3 (dissimilar) 2010/09/20 07:31:24 (permalink)
Fifty-fifty powered with ICD3 not work.
In the PIC low-voltage (LF) you lot can work the debugger?
Re:Problem with ICD2 and ICD3 (different) 2010/09/xx 16:12:36 (permalink)
SisteckHello Steven,
thanks for your patience![]()
I tried with PICKIT2 ... simply it seems the aforementioned trouble, do not enter into debug mode. Only if the movie is a LF (PIC16LF88) may be the trouble?
I wonder if the LF88 is the trouble. I could non find 16LF88 in MPLAB Configure/Select device menu of MPLAB Ver8.l (merely 16F88), is it in Ver eight.56?
I had a quick look for the LF88 data sheet but could non see it, only the F88. EDIT institute it, LF88 is in the F88 data sheet.
What voltage are you running the LF88 at, Just wondering if debugging works at low supply voltage.
I remember having trouble programming a pic at Vdd=2,5V was ok at 5V, by exist related ?
EDIT:- Another thing to check is the pic oscillator, the osc must be running before debugging will work, it might exist worthwhile trying the internal oscillator.
Only to come across if the LF88 is the trouble have you tried whatever other type motion picture, ie 16f88 or 16F877 etc.
Might be time to log a webticket with microchip back up.
Regards Steve.
postal service edited past Steven37 - 2010/09/20 19:33:55
Re:Problem with ICD2 and ICD3 (different) 2010/09/21 01:54:11 (permalink)
I open Webticket with Microchip support and wait for replay.
I try PIC16F88 and has the aforementioned problem.
I try PIC16F819 and all is adept, the debugger run fine.
The problem exist only PIC16XX88
it is a mistery [?]
Re:Trouble with ICD2 and ICD3 (dissimilar) 2010/09/21 08:12:59 (permalink)
I to have the same problem ICD3 and Lastest MPLAB ver. I deceit figure out why debug in MPLAB volition not unmarried stride. fifty-fifty just a NOP.
I take no cap on MCLR only a 11K pull upwards, my OSC is working tested with an oscilliscope = 5VAC. Yes programs and verifies in programme and debug modes. Just volition not run any code.. I have tried iii chips, same resualt. Let me know and we can effort something together.
I have tried to put power supply caps accross the pins of the chip too 10uF and 0.1 uF, only to get that out of the manner.
Im using ICD3 pod.
Re:Problem with ICD2 and ICD3 (dissimilar) 2010/09/22 09:26:45 (permalink)
Following ticket from support Microchip, they replay me that the ploblem be:
No debug with PIC16xx88 and final version MPLAB.
The Microchip technical staff has been working to resolve the ploblem.
In the moment that reiceve some news I' ll let yous know.
Did Not Register Or Self Register 0x0,
Source: https://www.microchip.com/forums/m524672.aspx
Posted by: pullinswinested.blogspot.com
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